@extends('layouts.app') @section('page-title', 'Terms and Conditions') @section('body-content')

Terms and Conditions

{{-- content here --}}


For the purpose of clarity and understanding within these Terms and Conditions, the following interpretations apply:

  • Business Days: Weekdays, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays.
  • Calendar Days: Every day of the week except public holidays.
  • Conditions: The stipulations and provisions outlined in this document.
  • Contract: The mutual agreement between {{ config('constants.COMPANY_NAME') }} and the Customer for the sale and purchase of circuit boards and semiconductor devices in accordance with these Conditions.
  • Customer: The individual, firm, or company procuring circuit boards and semiconductor devices from {{ config('constants.COMPANY_NAME') }}.
  • {{--
  • Website: [YourWebsite.com]
  • --}}
  • Goods: Circuit boards and semiconductor devices showcased and available for purchase on the Website.
  • Order: The Customer's request for Goods, placed through the Website.
  • Specification: Any technical specifications for Goods, including related plans and drawings mutually agreed upon by the Customer and {{ config('constants.COMPANY_NAME') }}.


Basic rules to follow and understand:

  • A party includes a natural person, corporate entity, or unincorporated body.
  • A reference to a party includes its representatives, successors, or permitted assigns.
  • A reference to a statute or statutory provision pertains to such legislation or provision applicable in US, as amended or re-enacted.
  • Phrases introduced by terms such as "including," "include," "in particular," or similar expressions are illustrative and do not limit the meaning of the words preceding them.
  • References to writing encompass faxes and emails.